Notice of Special Membership Meeting

To All Members:

On Saturday November 23, 2024 at 10:00 A.M., at the Association’s pool located at: 3801 N.W. 84t Avenue, Sunrise, Florida 33351, a Special Meeting of the Membership of The Spring Creek Condominium Association Inc., will be held for the purpose of conducting a vote of the membership with regard to whether to approve a proposed amendment to the Association’s By-Laws , and for any other lawful purpose. An identification of agenda items is as follows:

  1. Certifying Quorum - Call to Order;

  2. Proof of Notice of Meeting;

  3. Discussion and vote of the membership regarding amending Section 3.1 of the By-Laws to reduce the number of directors of the Board;

  4. Announcement of results of vote;

  5. Adjournment.

More than fifty percent (50%) of the total number of members of the Association (a “quorum”) must be present, in person or by proxy, in order for the business of the membership meeting to be conducted. The membership will consider the proposed amendment to the By-Laws appearing on the enclosed official Association limited proxy.

The Board encourages all Members to attend this Special Meeting.

Dated: November 7, 2024

By order of the Board of Directors for Spring Creek Condominium Association Inc.


First Notice Of Annual Meeting And Election Of Directors Of Spring Creek Condominium Association, Inc. And Procedure For Qualifying Board
