Spring Creek Advisory Bulletin: Air Conditioning Units
Hello Community Members, The Board Of Directors would like to take a moment to share some information that has started to cause some issues for a few owners recently. Since everyone is spending a lot more time at home, our Air Conditioning units are being run more to keep us comfortably in the Florida Summer weather. Several owners have had issues with their A/C units not cooling or not operating at all, and have been forced to call a local AC Company to service their unit.
In the cases we have heard about so far, the issue has turned out to be a blocked “Drain Line”. This problem can be avoided with some basic preventive maintenance that should be done every time you change the filter in your AC unit. Keep in mind you should be changing the filter on your AC unit at least every 60 days (more frequently if you have pets).
Changing the filter keeps the coils in the AC unit clean and keeps dust from building up which forces the unit to work harder (higher electric bill). As the units cools the air in your home water is removed from the air and collects in a pan under the AC unit inside your home. There is a drain line that allows the water to drain to the outside in back of each building.
In order to help keep the line clear. Most units will be set up like the pictures shown below and the White PVC pipe is the drain line. Please note if you are not comfortable doing any of the following please contact a Licensed HVAC service company. Air Around the Clock, Lindstrom Air Conditioning, and Art’s Plumbing and Air Conditioning. While the board does not endorse, and/or require owners using those companies. Members of the board have used and have heard good reviews from other owners about those companies. The Board does require the person(s) servicing the unit to be licensed and insured.
AC Maintenance Instructions
Please be sure to turn your AC OFF before changing your filter or preceding with the following preventive maintenance.
1. Turn you AC unit to the OFF position.
2. Change your AC filter as you normally would.
3. In the same location you should notice a white PVC attached to the side of the Air Handler unit. As shown below
There should be a plug or piece that can be removed to allow access to the pipeline:
When you remove the plug, look inside to be sure there is not standing water already. There. If you see water and any type of blockage, you will need to call an HVAC company to flush the line clear.
4. Using a funnel pour at least 1 gallon of warm/hot (not boiling) regular tap water SLOWLY into the funnel. You should see and hear the water flow into the pipe and drain away. If the water level recedes slowly you may need to repeat several times. If the water does not go down or starts to overflow out of the pipe the line will need to be flushed by an HVAC company.
5. IF the water level does go down and appears to flow use the funnel and pour ½ to ¾ of a cup of DISTILLED WHITE VINEGAR
Air Conditioning companies recommend to use only DISTILLED WHITE VINEGAR because the acidity is strong enough to eliminate molds, algae, any fungus that will form in the pipe without damaging the pipe or joints in the process. Any type of bleach or chlorine should not be used as this will cause damage to the PVC pipes and deteriorate the adhesives used in the line.
If the smell of Vinegar is bothersome to you or other people in your home you can use Hydrogen Peroxide in the same manner listed above. Peroxide can also be used in your Kitchen and bathroom sink drain to cut down greasy build ups in the pipes.
If you need to call an HVAC company out to clear the line please let them know the drain line exits the building in the back and is usually located next to one of the rain gutters (see below). There is a single exit point for all four units within a building address.
If you have any questions please contact your Phase President, or email the board at springcreekcondo@gmail.comThank You,SCCA Inc. Board of Directors